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When will I get my Employee Retention Tax Credit refund?

With IRS backlogs, employers have been frustrated as they await their much-needed Employee Retention Tax Credit for 2 years now, but given the circumstances there isn’t a whole lot that can be done. The IRS currently has a backlog of hundreds of thousands amended Form 941 filings as a result of the Employee Retention Tax Credit. Combine that with a global pandemic, major logistics, supply chain issues, and staff shortages and it’s hard to see when the backlog will subside.

Many businesses have already received they Employee Retention Tax Credit refund by utilizing the instant tax credit offered by the IRS through PayNortheast's payroll service. Companies using PayNortheast as their payroll provider were able to elect and instant tax credit which providing a portion of the Employee Retention Tax Credit refund each time payroll was processed. The remainder of the tax credit was issued via a check by the IRS within 45 days following the end of the quarter.

Businesses that chose to process the tax credit via other payroll and tax providers are still questioning; when will my Employee Retention Tax Credit refund arrive?

When will my Employee Retention Tax Credit refund arrive?

According to the latest information from the IRS, amended Forms 941 that have already been filed should expect to see a refund somewhere between 10-14 months from filing date. Those that are just filing now or have filed recently may be waiting to see a refund for up to 16 months or more.

Large refunds (over $1 million or higher) could even see further delays due to the additional review required before those refunds can be issued.

Who you choose to work with matters. All eligible PayNortheast payroll clients received their Employee Retention Tax Credit refunds from the IRS several weeks following the end of each quarter, providing them with a clear advantage over businesses still waiting for their refund.

With the possibility of the Employee Retention Tax Credit being reinstated for 4th quarter 2021, make sure you switch to PayNortheast's payroll to ensure you receive your Employee Retention Tax Credit refund timely.

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